
  • Jambu Dada is an important summer fruit, associated with many health and medicinal benefits and is known to relieve stomach pain.
  • Jamun is known by different names such as jambul, jambas, jamun, jambolan, rajaman, kalajamun, neredu, naval, nerale, jamali, java plum, black plum and black berry.
  • History of jamun goes long back since after stone age times. Old literature has mentioned that Lord Rama, during his long exile, has eaten several plums including jamun.
  • This fruit is fruit is loaded with nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, minerals, antioxidants, magnesium which is helpful or healthy eyes, extremely beneficial for person suffering from diabetes, powder of its seed when taken with yoghurt , help in breaking down kidney stones. And one more important thing that it is also said to be a blood purifier.
  • MAPRO product related to that fruits :Falero  Pulpy Fruit Chews.